
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


Development of New Drugs Targeting Cancer Metabolism: Challenges and Opportunities

  • 摘要: 近年来,肿瘤的代谢重塑作为肿瘤的重大特征备受关注,靶向肿瘤代谢被认为开辟了肿瘤治疗和新药研发的新方向。经过10余年的发展,肿瘤代谢基础研究进展迅猛,对肿瘤代谢功能和机制的认识日新月异。然而,靶向肿瘤代谢新药研发的进展却相对缓慢,目前获批的新药屈指可数,提示基础研究和治疗转化之间仍然存在巨大的鸿沟。文章从新药研发和治疗转化的角度,总结分析了靶向肿瘤代谢新药研发遇到的挑战,并就未来的发展方向提出了展望,以期为靶向肿瘤代谢药物研发提供参考。


    Abstract: Metabolic remodeling, a hallmark of cancer, has gained increasing attention in the field. Targeting cancer metabolism is considered to open up a window for the discovery of targeted anticancer therapies. In the past decade, tremendous advancements have been made in the basic research on cancer metabolism, particularly in understanding the roles of altered metabolism and the underlying mechanisms in cancer malignancy. In contrast, the progress in the development of new therapeutics seems very slow, with only a few drugs approved for clinical use, indicating that there remains a huge gap between basic research and translational medicine. This review summarizes the challenges encountered in the development of metabolism-targeted therapies and proposes future directions from the perspective of drug discovery and translational medicine, aiming to provide insights for the development of therapies targeting cancer metabolism.


