
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


Advances in Research on Oral Mucoadhesive Drug Delivery System

  • 摘要: 口腔黏膜给药使药物通过颈内静脉直接进入全身循环,避免胃肠道中的酸水解及肝脏首过效应,具有生物利用度高、患者依从性良好的优点。口腔黏膜给药的主要特点是利用生物粘附现象,即生物膜表面与天然或合成聚合物之间的界面分子粘合力现象,延长制剂在生物黏膜表面上的停留时间,以获得更高、更稳定的药物吸收。对口腔黏膜的结构特征、黏膜生物粘附机制、影响黏膜粘附的因素、口腔黏膜剂型设计以及口腔黏膜给药系统的研究进展进行了介绍。


    Abstract: Oral mucoashesive drug delivery system delivers the drug into systemic circulation via internal jugular vein, thus avoiding acid hydrolysis in the gastrointestinal tract and first-pass metabolism in the liver and resulting in enhanced bioavailability and patient compliance. The key to successful oral mucosal administration is sufficient prolongation of residence time of drugs on the surface of biological mucosa to obtain higher and more stable drug absorption by the use of bioadhesion, i.e. the interfacial molecular adhesion between the surface of biological membrane and natural or synthetic polymers. This paper, reviewed the structural characteristics of oral mucosa, mechanisms of mucosal bioadhesion, factors influencing mucosal adhesion, design of oral mucoadhesive dosage forms and research progress in oral mucoadhesive drug delivery system.


