
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


Recent Advances in the R & D of Small-Molecule Drugs for Psoriasis

  • 摘要: 银屑病是一种由多基因遗传、多环境因素刺激诱导的免疫异常性慢性炎症性系统性疾病,该病目前仍不能完全治愈,对患者的生活质量产生严重的负面影响。尽管生物疗法已大大改善了银屑病的治疗效果,抗体药物已成为治疗银屑病的主力,银屑病疾病领域仍存在巨大的未满足需求,小分子药物在银屑病治疗方面的作用仍不可替代。综合分析近年来研发的银屑病小分子药物临床研究进展及其专利情况。


    Abstract: Psoriasis is an immune-mediated, chronic, inflammatory and systemic disease induced by polygenic and multiple environmental factors. Due to the unavailability of a cure, psoriasis significantly affects patients' quality of life. Although biological therapies have greatly improved the treatment of psoriasis and therapeutic antibodies have become the mainstay of psoriasis treatment, extensive unmet medical need still remains and the roles of small-molecule drugs for psoriasis treatment are irreplaceable. Comprehensive analysis of clinical advances and patent situations of small-molecule drugs for psoriasis were reviewed in this paper.


