
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


Advances in Research on Intestinal Routes Involved in the Pharmacological Actions of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • 摘要: 肠道不仅负责食物的消化和吸收, 还能通过微生态、神经内分泌及黏膜免疫与肠道外组织器官相联系, 参与机体稳态的维持、疾病的发生发展、药物的转运和作用等过程。肠道是多种中药活性成分口服给药的初始作用部位, 现已发现小檗碱、姜黄素和白藜芦醇等物质可通过肠道途径发挥药理效应。从肠道菌群、肠道神经内分泌和肠道黏膜免疫角度综述了中药药理作用的肠道途径研究进展。


    Abstract: Gut is not only responsible for the digestion and absorption of foods, but also participates in the maintenance of homeostasis, the occurrence and progression of diseases, as well as the transportation and action of drugs through microbial, neuroendocrinal and immunologic communications with extra-gut tissues. Recently, it has been found that gut is the primary action site of several active constituents isolated from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). For example, berberine, curcumin and resveratrol have been shown to exert their pharmacological effects through intestinal routes. This paper reviewed the research advances in intestinal routes involved in the action of TCM from the perspectives of gut microbiota, neuroendocrine and mucosal immunity.


