
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


2017 Annual Report on Drug Registration in Jiangsu Province

  • 摘要: 2017年江苏省在药品审评审批制度改革中砥砺前行,坚持鼓励药物研发创新和提升仿制药质量与疗效两者并重,药品研发创新能力进一步提升,特别是生物制品的研发异军突起,注册申报呈现出“数量领先、结构优化”的特征,申报与批准数量继续处于全国领先地位。


    Abstract: In 2017, Jiangsu province has stepped forward in the reform of drug review and approval system, with equal importance attached to encouraging innovation in drug research and development and improving the quality and efficacy of generic drugs. The capability in research and development of pharmaceutical products has been further improved, with unexpected rise in the research and development of biological products. Registration application present the characteristics of "lead in quantity and optimization in structure", and the number of applications and approvals continues to be at the leading position in the country.


