
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


Research Progress of Nanomedicine for Photodynamic Treatment of Cancer

  • 摘要: 光动力疗法(photodynamic therapy,PDT)是一种非侵入性光化学疗法,它依赖于光敏剂在光照射下将光子能量转化为化学能,产生诱导细胞毒性的活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS),特别是用于肿瘤治疗。目前肿瘤PDT的临床应用受到肿瘤乏氧、还原性物质浓度高、免疫抑制、光穿透深度有限和肿瘤自救体系等肿瘤微环境因素的限制。随着纳米技术的发展,现在可以在纳米尺度上对PDT药物制剂进行精细化设计。以纳米技术增强PDT疗效为主题,对目前在增强氧气供应、改变肿瘤代谢和其他抗肿瘤疗法联用领域PDT纳米制剂的研究进展进行综述,为之后进一步开发符合临床需求的PDT纳米制剂提供参考。


    Abstract: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a type of non-invasive photochemotherapy that relies on photosensitizers to convert photon energy into chemical energy under light irradiation, producing cytotoxicity-inducing reactive oxygen species (ROS), especially for the treatment of cancer. However, the clinical application of tumor PDT is now limited by such microenvironment factors of tumor as tumor hypoxia, high concentration of reducing substances, interference of immunosuppression, limited light penetration depth and tumor selfrescue system. With the development of nanotechnology, PDT pharmaceutical preparations can now be precisely designed on the nanoscale to address these challenges. Focusing on enhancing the efficacy of PDT through nanotechnology, this article reviews the current research progress of PDT in enhancing oxygen supply, altering tumor metabolism and combining PDT with other anti-tumor therapies. We hope that this article can provide some reference for the further development of PDT formulations meeting clinical needs.


