
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


Advances in Research on Anti-tumor Mechanisms of Elemene

  • 摘要: 榄香烯是从传统中草药姜科植物温郁金中提取的萜烯类化合物。榄香烯乳注射液主要成份为β-、γ-、δ-榄香烯混合液,作为我国自主开发研制的抗肿瘤植物化学药于1995年被国家批准为2类抗肿瘤新药并成功上市。20多年的临床广泛应用使得人们在榄香烯的抗肿瘤研究方面积累了宝贵的经验。有关榄香烯基础研究方面的循证医学证据层出不穷,研究结果证实榄香烯具有抗瘤谱广、临床疗效确切、毒副作用小等特点。同时榄香烯不同于其他传统的细胞毒性化疗药物,在发挥直接抗肿瘤作用的基础上,还能通过多种机制起到逆转肿瘤细胞耐药、抑制转移、提高机体免疫力,与放化疗联用具有减毒增效等作用。对榄香烯乳注射液抗肿瘤作用机制进行综述。


    Abstract: Elemene is a terpene compound extracted from the traditional Chinese herbal medicine Curcuma wenyujin. Elemene injection, whose main ingredients are β-, γ-, δ-elemene mixtures, was an anti-tumor phytochemical drug developed independently in China and was approved and successfully marketed as an anti-tumor new drug of category 2 in 1995. The extensive application of elemene over the past 20 years has accumulated much valuable experience in the study of its anti-tumor activity. There has been more and more medical evidence in elemene injection, with research results showing its broad antitumor spectrum, definite clinical efficacy and few side-effects. Furthermore, elemene injection has been found to be different from other traditional cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs. Besides its direct anti-tumor effect, elemene injection could also reverse drug resistance of tumor cells, inhibit metastasis and improve immunity, and decrease toxicity and increase efficacy when combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The advances in research on anti-tumor mechanisms of elemene injection have been reviewed in this paper.


