
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


Patent Analysis of Antibody-drug Conjugatesrelated Techniques

  • 摘要: 通过分析抗体药物偶联物相关技术的全球专利和中国专利的申请情况,帮助研发人员了解该技术在全球和国内的发展现状。从靶标和小分子毒素这2个角度,分析抗体药物偶联物相关技术的发展趋势,以及当前热点靶标和小分子毒素。此外,介绍了抗体药物偶联物相关技术的主要专利申请人的专利布局情况。通过上述统计分析,为中国本土企业提升抗体药物偶联物相关技术的综合竞争力提供参考与思路。


    Abstract: Through analysis of the global and China’s patent applications of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), this paper attempts to help researchers understand the development trend of the techniques in China and around the globe. From the perspectives of target and small molecule toxins, the development trend of ADCs-related techniques as well as the current hot targets and small molecule toxins were analyzed. In addition, the patent layout of the main patent applicants related to ADCs techniques was introduced. Through the above statistical analysis, the article provides reference and insights for China’s domestic enterprises to enhance their comprehensive competitiveness in ADCs-related techniques.


