
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


A Report of New Drugs Research and Development in 2017—Part Ⅱ: Trends and Challenges (Ⅴ)

  • 摘要: 通过敏锐的视角概述了2017年全球制药行业热点话题,包括影响美国和其他一些发达国家的日益严重的阿片类药物危机,2017—2018年的流感疫情,并聚焦通用流感疫苗的需求。与往年一样,报告对孤儿药开发、优先药物(PRIMW)和再生医学先进疗法(RMAT)等新支持政策、研发管线减缩、药品定价以及值得关注的制药/生物技术公司间的兼并与收购交易进行了回顾;此外,还预测了2018年将会通过审批的新药。


    Abstract: This eagle's-eye overview of the drug industry in 2017 provides insight into some of last year's top stories, including the growing opioid crisis affecting the U.S. and other developed countries and the 2017-2018 influenza epidemic, with a spotlight on the need for a universal flu vaccine. As in previous years, orphan drug development, new agency-supported programs such as PRIME and RMAT, pipeline attrition and drug pricing, as well as pharma/biotech mergers and acquisitions of note are also considered, and the new drugs that may be approved in 2018 are anticipated.


