
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


Outlook for 2021: Innovation Opportunities for China’s Biopharmaceutical Industry in an Environment of Uncertainty

  • 摘要: 2020年,中国生物医药行业面对挑战迸发活力,加速转型创新发展。2021年,政策改革的持续深化与全面实施对生物医药企业提出实现高质量、可持续发展的更高要求。上海市药物研发协同创新中心召开智库圆桌会议,通过多轮头脑风暴,对我国生物医药行业进行了年度展望,提出生物医药企业需在不确定大环境中切实抓住创新机遇。


    Abstract: In 2020, China's biopharmaceutical industry has shown its gushing vitality and accelerated transformation in face of the challenges. In 2021, the further deepening and full implementation of healthcare policy reforms set higher benchmarks of quality and sustainability for the biopharmaceutical industry in the country. Through a series of brainstorming roundtables, Shanghai Center for Innovation Drug Discovery and Development (SCIDDD) proposed its 2021 outlook for China's biopharmaceutical industry, which highlights the importance for biopharmaceutical enterprises to seize innovation opportunities in the new environment of uncertainty.


