
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


Role of Epigenetic Modification in Metabolic Memory of Diabetic Vascular Disease

  • 摘要: 糖尿病患者长期处于高血糖状态会对不同的组织器官造成损伤,即使恢复到正常血糖水平,这种损伤仍然持续存在。靶细胞记忆早期血糖环境的现象被称为“代谢记忆/高糖记忆”。代谢记忆的机制至今尚未明确,近来研究显示“代谢记忆”可能归因于靶细胞的表观遗传改变。通过从表观遗传的DNA甲基化、组蛋白转录后修饰、非编码miRNA调节这3个方面介绍糖尿病大血管、微血管病变的代谢记忆机制以及相应可能的治疗策略和方法,对于改善糖尿病代谢记忆导致的血管病变有一定的指导意义。


    Abstract: Long-term hyperglycemia causes damages to various organs in diabetic patients, which will persist despite of restoration of normal glucose level by intensive glycaemic control. The phenomenon that early glycemic environment is remembered in the target cells is termed "metabolic memory". Although its molecular mechanisms still remain unclear, recent studies have showed that "metabolic memory" could be attributed to epigenetic modification. In this review, the epigenetic mechanisms of metabolic memory in diabetic macrovascular and microvascular disease were introduced from the aspects of DNA methylation, post-transcriptional modification of histone and non-coding miRNA regulation, and the possible therapeutic strategies were highlighted, providing guidance for alleviating diabetic vascular disease caused by metabolic memory.


