
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


2017 Report on the Development of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Industry

  • 摘要: 江苏省作为医药强省,在我国医药产业发展过程中占有重要地位。根据2017年1—6月及之前江苏省医药产业主营业务收入、利润、出口交货值等经济指标数据及其在全国的占比变化,从创新研发和产业结构等方面,综合分析江苏省医药产业发展的最新形势和在全国的地位情况。通过分析讨论江苏省医药产业的结构现状及发展形势,揭示江苏省医药产业结构发展存在的问题并提出相应的建议。


    Abstract: As a leading province in pharmaceutical industry, Jiangsu province occupies an important position in the development of China's pharmaceutical industry. Based on the data of major economic indicators of pharmaceutical industry in Jiangsu province from Jan. to Jun. in 2017 and before, such as main business income, profit and export value, and their percentage in the national scale, the latest trend in the development of pharmaceutical industry in Jiangsu province and its national status in terms of R&D were analyzed from the aspects of innovation and industrial structure. By analyzing the current industrial structure and development trend of the pharmaceutical industry in Jiangsu province, related problems are disclosed and corresponding suggestions were put forward.


