
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


Recent Advances in Taste-masking Technologies of Paediatric Formulations

  • 摘要: 儿童偏好甜味,药物的苦味常常导致患儿服药顺应性降低,苦味药物的掩味是儿童口服制剂研发过程中面临的一大难题。简介苦味产生机制,传统和新型掩味方法和技术,各制药公司提出的掩味专利以及掩味效果的评价方法等,为掩味制剂的进一步开发提供参考。


    Abstract: Bitterness of drugs usually lowers the compliance of children as they prefer sweet taste. Taste masking can be quite challenging in the development of paediatric oral formulations. This article briefly introduced the mechanisms of bitter taste transduction, conventional and new taste-masking technologies, taste-masking technologies patented by various pharmaceutical companies and the evaluation methods of taste-masking effect, so as to provide reference for further development of taste-masking preparations.


