
新药研发前沿动态 / 医药领域趋势进展


Research Progress in Inhibitors against Bacterial β-Glucuronidase in Gastrointestinal Tract

  • 摘要: β-葡萄糖醛酸苷酶(GUS)是肠道菌群产生的一类重要的水解酶,其可催化多种药物及内源性激素的葡萄糖醛酸苷发生水解反应。研究显示肠道菌GUS可影响多种药物的药代动力学行为和效应的发挥。值得注意的是,某些药物(如伊立替康、吲哚美辛等)的葡萄糖醛酸化产物可被肠道菌GUS快速水解为具有强毒性的苷元,后者在肠道局部累积可引发严重的胃肠不良反应。因此,肠道菌GUS已成为减缓伊立替康等药物胃肠不良反应的重要靶标之一,而开发安全、强效的肠道菌GUS抑制剂对于缓解临床药物引发的致死性腹泻具有重要意义。综述肠道菌GUS的结构及功能、GUS抑制剂的筛选方法及肠道菌GUS抑制剂的研究进展。


    Abstract: β-glucuronidases (GUS) are an important class of hydrolase produced by intestinal flora and catalyze the hydrolysis of glucuronides of many drugs and endogenous hormones into corresponding aglycones. Many studies have clearly demonstrated that bacterial GUS could significantly modulate the pharmacokinetic properties of drugs and their in vivo efficacy. Notably, the glucuronides of several therapeutic drugs (such as CPT-11 and indomethacin) could be readily hydrolyzed by bacterial GUS into corresponding aglycones with strong toxicity. The overproduction of aglycone in intestine may lead to severe gastrointestinal reactions. Thus, bacterial GUS has been recognized as a key target for alleviating drug-induced gastrointestinal reactions, and the development of safe and potent inhibitors against bacterial GUS are very important for the amelioration of drug-induced life-threatening diarrhea in clinical setting. This paper reviewed the structure and function of bacterial GUS, the methods for screening inhibitors against bacterial GUS, as well as the recent advances in the development of bacterial GUS inhibitors.


